Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I have moved my blog to try out word press. No worries I imported all my old posts so nothing to worry about! Here is the link

Into the Light

I love that moment when you are talking to someone and you say something that you have no doubt are words from God. Well that happened to me tonight. I was talking to a friend when I said something and as soon as I texted it I was like wow that was good preaching, God. I knew there was no way I came up with it, but instead God working through me. This is pretty much what was said...

Everything happens for a reason. I don't necessarily like a lot of the things in 
 my past, but I don't keep them under lock and key and try to forget them. I know that 
through those experiences God worked something out for the good and turned 
that experience into something that grew me. So maybe while you are trying to shove 
things into the dark, God is trying to show you it in a new perspective, in His light. 
Things always look better with light shining on them. 

But really that is good preaching. Maybe that same concept can be applicable to your situation as well. Maybe you need to stop shoving all of your regrets deeper into darkness and instead let the light shine upon them to see what God has to say. In the Bible it says to boast in our weaknesses so that we can see Christ's strength through them (2 Corinthians 11:30 and 2 Corinthians 12:9).  So let God's light shine off it and reflect to everyone around.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

One Candle

Sometimes I wish I could drop it all and move somewhere dark and lost. I saw a post today from a long term missionary in Haiti and that said "I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light." I LOVE THAT! When I was in Haiti for a week it was so incredible to be that source of light in such darkness. A lot of the time I don't feel like that here. Living in the Bible belt everyone has heard of Jesus. Not everyone truly believes and understands the Gospel but still everyone sees the light. In a way I feel like I am shining without purpose here. If my light went out would it even matter, because we live in the light? I don't know. I just feel like living here in America everything is so self focused and I get tired of it. I just want to be able to live God focused. I want to give everything up to gain even more. I really am jealous of that missionary. I know it is not always easy for her, but I would love to be her. Yeah, I am not supposed to covet and I know God has a purpose for me here but it is just easy to sit and wish. I wish I could escape all of the stress of trying to be "successful." I just want to drop it all and live in nothing but for something, which is being the light each and every day. How amazing would it be to do nothing but love people and share God's love. I mean that has to be the life! Right?