Friday, February 21, 2014


Insecurities stem from an obsession of oneself in order to please others and a lack of focusing on the handiwork of God.

 It is so easy for me to tell you a hundred things I don't like about myself, but a million times harder to come up with 5 things I like about myself. Insecurities like these have not been drilled in us by our own thoughts, but through the enemy. He is a liar and a good one at that. He is so good at what he does that he can even convince you that his thoughts are actually your thoughts. And even more to the point where you believe people think those same thoughts about you as well. So it gets to the point where you get scared that people think the worse of you and you end up not liking yourself. Then you focus on trying to "fix" yourself. That never works though, because satisfactory is never fully reached. Satan always tries to give you a standard to meet and shoes to fill, but as you almost reach them, he makes the shoes bigger and the bar higher. So you fall right into the belief that you will never be good enough.

That may seems like one of those Allstate slippery slope fallacy commercials, but honestly it is simply a slope that about everyone goes down in one way or another. Those ideas become what we perceive as the truth, and so they turn into an obsession of either having to cover them up or fix them.

But all those things are lies! All those terrible thoughts you believe about yourself are lies. (You're not smart or too smart. Fat. Ugly. Dumb. Stupid. A failure. A burden. Worthless. A mistake. Broken. Messed up. Not good enough. Flawed. etc.) See God made you, and everything God makes is perfect. He knitted you together in your mother's womb and after He made you He stood in awe of how wonderful you were. When He made you, He gave you certain personality traits and features that he designed to help you fulfill your purpose. He made you look like you do, so certain people would be drawn to you. He gave you certain hobbies, so that through that you could be his light in those areas. He made you unique to reach people others cannot. And finally, He gave you a story so that through your story lives will be saved.

God spoke the world into creation, but He took time to make his people. You are a masterpiece of God. Every piece of you was made perfect. When God thinks about you, He has so many good thoughts that they outnumber the grains of sand on the Earth! Try to fathom that! So stop covering up what you see as imperfect and instead view it as the perfection God created it as. Embrace every little thing about yourself because the Almighty God,  the creator of everything, and the all knowing God made you like that for a reason! Don't get lost in worrying about what others think of you, because the one who knows EVERYTHING about you thinks the best of you!

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